Spanish Classes in Denver

Are you looking for Spanish classes in Denver Colorado?
Look no further!
Nina Colburn at Effective Cultural Connections teaches Spanish everyday and is very passionate about the
Spanish language.
Not only is Nina a professional translator but she is a very highly experienced and accomplished Spanish instructor.
Nina is very committed to her students and guarantees their results.
She teaches her students to speak the language and not just to read and write in Spanish.
Nina Colburn lived in Latin America for over thirty years and has spoken fluent Spanish since childhood.
Nina tells us, ” so many people think that in order to be fluent in Spanish you must go and live in a Spanish-speaking country.” She believe that living in a country is certainly ideal, but not necessary in oder to achieve fluency.
Nina complements her Spanish instruction with interesting information about cultural history and cultural differences, both in Spain and Latin America.
If you are looking for Spanish classes in Denver, join one of Nina’s small groups or start your own private instruction now. The prices are very affordable and Nina guarantees her results.
You will be speaking Spanish by the third class!