U.S. Lawmakers Arrived in Cuba for 3 Day Visit

U.S. Lawmakers Arrived in Cuba for 3 Day Visit
U.S. Lawmakers arrived in Cuba on January 17th for a three day visit.
Senator Patrick J. Leahy arrived with a group of Democratic legislators in order to discuss greater cooperation between the United States and Cuba and to work out the remaining areas of disagreement.
This visit is the first congressional delegation to visit Cuba since president Obama announced in last month that he was restoring full diplomatic ties with the island nation.
Senator Leahy’s office said that the trip was intended to “seek clarity from the Cuban people on what they envision normalization to look like, other than the general response of ending the embargo.”
Mr. Leahy’s office declared that the visit would “help develop a sense of what Cuba and the United States are prepared to do in order to make
a constructive relationship between the two nations feasible.”
The visiting delegations is set to meet with Cuban government officials as well as with Cardinal Jaime Lucas Ortega y Alamino and ambassadors to Cuba from Mexico, Spain, Norway and Colombia. The delegation would like to meet with “representatives from Cuba’s civil society”, a term that refers to those working for reform within the communist political system.