Spanish translation in Denver

Effective Cultural Connections offers high quality Spanish translation in Denver at affordable prices!
If you are looking for expert Spanish translation services in Denver, Nina Colburn, president of Effective Cultural Connections, is an American who is 100% bilingual and bi-cultural. Nina will personally oversee, edit, proofread and deliver your translation to you!
When you need Spanish translation in Denver, cultural competency is very important in today’s business world. Nina is lived in Mexico for over 30 years, working as a professional Spanish translator with American companies doing business in Mexico, as well as many companies in Latin America.
Nina Colburn tells us, “when we look for someone to do a Spanish translation in the United States, we usually look for a company with native speaking translators. This certainly is an important first step, but we really don’t know if these native speakers are giving us culturally competent translations.”
Nina is also a court interpreter and tells us more. “When an American company wants a Spanish translation of its policies and procedures manual or its safety manual, this manual has the potential of being a legal document when it is signed by the employee, that it has been read and the employee agrees with the norms and procedures set down by the company in these manuals.” Nina tells us that most HR companies know this, but that what they don”t necessarily know is whether their manual which has been translated into Spanish is 100% accurate and 100% culturally competent”.