President Rafael Correa of Ecuador is Reelected

President Rafael Correa of Ecuador was reelected on Sunday by a majority of votes reflecting the widespread popularity of his government’s social programs and the stability he has brought to his country.
President Correa is an economist who studied at the University of Illinois and has been instrumental in stabilizing the government’s long history of severe economic problems. Before coming to power, Ecuador went through tremendous social upheaval with seven different presidents in a decade of government.
President Correa’s critics state that he governs with tactics that are very aggressive, and undermine democracy by expanding presidential power. It is said that he has weakened the independence of the courts and has been known to lash out often at those parties that he has perceived as his enemies, including political opponents, the media, and apparently even at the United States on occasion.
Although many of his countrymen judge President Correa to be an aggressive authoritarian, others feel that the country needed this type of a leader who would accomplish the kind of change that Ecuador needed.
President Correa has promised to continue with the social programs he has put into effect, and to pass laws covering the news media, land reform and the penal code.
According to an article which I read in the New York Times on February 24, 2013, after the reelection of President Hugo Chavez in 2012 in Venezuela, Mr. Correa’s victory confirmed the lasting appeal in a region of leftist governments. Booming oil and mining industries provide revenues are used to finance social welfare programs, which are believed to re-distribute wealth and control inequality.
While petrolium remains Ecuador’s most important export, in recent years Ecuador has become the leading supplier of cut flowers to the United States. In the agricultural sector, Ecuador holds first place in the production and export of the banana in the world market. President Correa is putting considerable emphasis into using these products to stabilize the economy of his country.
Presient Correa of Ecuador was first voted into power in 2007