President Hugo Chavez Returns to Venezuela

President Hugo Chavez returned to Venezuela last Monday, February 19, after having cancer surgery in Cuba on December 11, 2012
Mr. Chavez has not been seen in public since before the December 11 2012 operation.
President Chavez’s long absence from his country has create deep political uncertainty in Venezuela as to who is in charge. Even after his return last week, he has been isolated on the top floor of a military hospital in Caracas and has not received any visitors. Apparently even one of the president’s closest friends and allies was unable to see Mr. Chavez after traveling to Venezuela specifically for that purpose.
President Evo Morales of Bolivia who was speaking at the United Nations last week on Wednesday, had this to say, about whether he has seen Mr. Chavez.
“You know that collegue Chavez has gone through his most difficult moments. His health situation has been very very difficult, as his ministers have informed. Returning now to Caracas is a great relief.”
Mr. Morales said he felt that Mr. Chavez’s doctors and family “are very encouraged”.