Cross Cultural Solutions: Working with Passion!

(Part 2 of Three Parts)
Cross Cultural Solution: Working with Passion
I have talked about how the Latin American person is a passionate person by nature. He or she lives each day for all it’s worth, enjoying the time spent with family, friends and co-workers, appreciating the joys that occur each day and managing to deal with the setbacks that come as well. This passion gives the Latino significant energy and enthusiasm for life. Finding a way to tap that energy and passion at the workplace is definitely worth exploring.
Some background:
The Latino worker’s attitude toward life is that he or she lives in the present and the quality of life is very important. The worker feels that the future will take of itself. Most importantly, he or she feels that the quality of the relationship with fellow workers and the boss is more important than the actual performance of the task, or at least comes before the actual performance.
This is different from the values of most American-born workers, who have a sense of duty and of task accomplishment. The relationship with the boss is not nearly so important. In fact, interaction with the boss is often minimal…just enough to understand the needs of the job.
The wise manager, then, will take some of the following actions to encourage a passionate approach to work for his or her Spanish-speaking team:
to be continued.